What to Do If Your Dog is Seizing

When your dog experiences a seizure, it can be an alarming and distressful situation for both you and your pet. Understanding what to look for and how to react can greatly assist in managing these frightening episodes while ensuring the safety and well-being of your dog. This blog will guide you through the essential steps to take if your dog is having a seizure, highlighting the importance of professional veterinary care. If you’re in the Milwaukee area and need immediate help, remember to contact Frontier Veterinary Urgent Care at 262-226-2055.


Recognizing the Signs of a Seizure in Dogs

Before you can respond to a seizure, it’s vital to recognize what is happening. A seizure may manifest through various signs including uncontrollable shaking, stiffness, loss of consciousness, drooling, chomping, tongue chewing, or even foaming at the mouth. Dogs might appear confused or dazed, and may not respond to their name during an episode.

Common Types of Seizures in Dogs

Seizures in dogs can be classified into several types, each requiring a different level of care. The most common are generalized (grand mal) seizures, which affect both sides of the brain and body. Focal seizures, on the other hand, affect only one part of the body or one side of the brain. Knowing the type of seizure can help your veterinarian diagnose and treat your dog more effectively.

Immediate Steps to Take If Your Dog is Seizing

When your dog is having a seizure, the first priority is to keep them safe. Clear the area of any objects that could hurt your pet, such as furniture with sharp edges. Do not attempt to hold or comfort your dog during the seizure, as this could lead to unintended injuries. Instead, keep a safe distance and note the duration of the seizure and the behaviors exhibited. This information will be invaluable to your vet.

Post-Seizure Care

Once the seizure has stopped, your dog will enter the post-ictal phase, characterized by confusion, disorientation, and sometimes temporary blindness. Provide a quiet, comfortable space for your dog to recover and keep monitoring their behavior. Avoid offering food or water until they are fully alert and ensure they have a safe place to rest.

The Importance of Veterinary Care After a Seizure

After a seizure, it is critical to contact a veterinarian. Seizures can be symptomatic of various underlying conditions, some of which require immediate treatment. Frontier Veterinary Urgent Care in Milwaukee offers emergency consultations to help manage your dog’s condition and guide further care.

Diagnosing the Cause of Seizures

Your vet may perform a series of tests to determine the cause of your dog’s seizures. These can include a neurologic exam, blood work, X-rays, and potentially MRI scans. Understanding the cause is essential for effective treatment and management of the condition.

Monitoring and Managing Seizures at Home

While in-home treatments are not recommended, there are steps you can take to help manage your dog’s condition under veterinary guidance. Monitoring the frequency, duration, and severity of seizures is crucial. Keeping a detailed seizure diary can help your veterinarian adjust treatment as necessary.

Long-Term Management Strategies

Depending on the underlying cause, your vet may prescribe medications to control seizures. Consistently administering prescribed medication and observing any side effects are key components of long-term management. Regular veterinary check-ups are vital to ensure the treatment remains effective.

When to Seek Emergency Veterinary Help

Some seizures are more urgent than others. If your dog’s seizure lasts more than three minutes, or if they experience several seizures in a short period of time, this is considered an emergency and requires immediate veterinary care. Remember, Frontier Veterinary Urgent Care is here to help. Call us at 262-226-2055 if you are in Milwaukee and your dog is seizing.

Frontier Veterinary Urgent Care is Here to Help

With the right knowledge and quick action, you can ensure the best care for your pet during these stressful moments. Always prioritize professional veterinary help and follow your vet’s advice for the best outcomes. For any concerns or immediate assistance, contact Frontier Veterinary Urgent Care. Our team is ready to provide the support and care your dog needs during such critical times.